"Un Ti Morceau"

"A Little Something," mini-lessons and reflections by our pastor, Father Paul Counce

After the Baptism

Published October 02, 2010 by Fr. Paul Counce

My final observation in this series on Baptism has to do with what happens after the Baptism.

I am almost embarrassed to admit that in lots of cases the an­swer is “Nothing.” In many cases hardly anyone even re­members that the sacrament was celebrated, or when. Now and then I have asked persons if they know the anniversary date of their Baptism, and few people know. Some even ap­pear not to care. How sad.

My advice to families is to make a bigger deal through the years about their children’s Baptism. Celebrate that anni­ver­sary date, as well as other important times in life. Share the pictures and the memories. As the child gets older, it is im­portant to bring to his or her atten­tion the rights and res­pon­sibilities which Baptism conferred.

If parents constantly give small children the impression that membership in the Church and a prayerful, personal rela­tion­ship to God and His Son Jesus Christ are important, they are much, much more likely to believe it themselves as they grow older. If children are basically told by adults’ ac­tions and at­ti­tudes that Baptism and our Faith aren’t important, in time they will certainly come to agree as well.

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