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The Louisiana Life March South is held in downtown Baton Rouge

The Louisiana Life March South is held in downtown Baton Rouge


Louisiana Life March South

Date Published: 2020-01-24

The Louisiana Life March South will again take place in downtown Baton Rouge from 10 am to 12 Noon, on Saturday January 25, 2020. Bishop Michael Duca will first celebrate a special Respect Life Mass here at the Cathedral at 8:30 am that morning, and a special time of prayer and adoration - a Pro-Life Rally! - will then continue here at the Cathedral after 12 noon until 3 pm!

Louisiana Loves Life! 

The pro-life people of Louisiana are united in standing for life in our State's capital city, and mobilize eagerly to make a difference. We believe that our prayers, strong pro-life stance supporting the dignity of human life from conception until natural death, and the Louisiana Life March can lead toward a Louisiana which is abortion-free, euthanasia-free, supportive of the disabled, poor and homeless, and respectful even of prisoners' right to life sentences instead of death sentences.

The Louisiana Life March South is sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life, the Louisiana Baptist Convention, the Louisiana Conference of Catholic Bishops, the United Pentecostal Church of Louisiana, the Louisiana Family Forum, the Knights of Columbus, Baton Rouge Right to Life, the Susan B. Anthony List, Caring to Love Ministries, and Louisiana's Concerned Women for America.

For more information about the Louisiana Right to Life organization, browse to

For more information about the special Respect Life Mass and Pro-Life Rally here at the Cathedral, contact Danielle Van Haute .


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