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Stewardship of Ministry

Date Published: 2017-09-09

We Serve the Needs of All

                  This Sunday, we observe our celebratory Stewardship of Ministry, inviting every parishioner to return completed Stewardship of Ministry commitment forms with the offertory collection. As we look to another year of affirming Catholic ministry, we honor your involvement and your desire to serve the Lord Jesus as you Serve the Needs of All in His name. We follow the example of our spiritual leaders and take every opportunity to extend the spread of the Gospel to all those in need of Christ’s love.

As a Total Sewardship Parish, St. Joseph Cathedral offers a variety of service opportunities: from administrative tasks to care for the poor, from manual work to worship in church, from our front doors out beyond Cathedral Square to the community at large, there is much to do. Each ministry is a labor of love. And each parishioner – young, old, inexperienced or veteran – is a vital contributor to the work of building up God’s kingdom in our midst. This is especially important for us, for we are an “intentional parish,” made up of persons throughout the Baton Rouge metropolitan area: we do not draw only from nearby neighborhoods but welcome those willing to come significant distances to be part of our welcoming community!

Before deciding how you will participate, please consider the areas that use both your gifts and talents and will draw you closer to the Lord. Pray about it! After prayerful reflection on the blessings and gifts God has shared with you and your family, please indicate on the form in this week's issue of The Carpenter, our Parish Bulletin, your willingness to make a new, one-year commitment – or continue in an existing commitment for another year. In this way, you share your gifts and talents and enrich our Parish family. Of course, be reasonable in estimating the amount of time to give; don’t try to do “too much.” But don’t "do nothing" either! And consider doing something new: “term limits” don’t really exist in ministry, but there is such a thing as “spiritual stagnation.” Make sure your service and ministry are necessary and effective as well as personally fulfilling.

Also, please mention any ministry not listed in The Carpenter that you think is important, are willing to organize, or in which you are interested in serving. If you want to help build up God’s Kingdom on earth in our beloved Cathedral Parish, we’re interested in providing you that opportunity!


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