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Seal of the Knights of Columbus

Seal of the Knights of Columbus


Knights of Columbus Council

Date Published: 2022-10-27

Each month, usually on the second Wednesday, the St. Joseph Cathedral Knights of Columbus Council No. 13632 meets for dinner in the Parish Hall at 6:30 pm. Their regular monthly meeting then follows at 7 pm. This month's meeting is on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 ; it will be held "in person" here.

Men who are practicing Catholics, especially those who are parishioners and friends of the Cathedral, are invited to join this wonderful fraternal group. They support each other with their prayers, and serve not only the Parish but also the wider community in many ways.

Columbianism began in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1882, when it was founded by Blessed Michael J. McGivney, the first American-born Catholic priest to be beatified. Originally it was a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, but has developed into the largest fraternal society in the world, dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholicism and Catholic doctrine. On the local level, it is a way for good Catholic men to gather, pray and involve themselves in service projects which support the Church in many ways.

For more information about our Knights of Columbus Council, please contact its Grand Knight, Harry Theriot, at


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