Pastor's Message Archives

Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin

Of Holy Doors and Holy Books

Published: December 06, 2015

Dearest Parishioners and Friends,

This coming week, the holy day on Tuesday, December 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, is a special one. On it begins the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy which Pope Francis has called. At our 12 noon Mass that day, our Cathedral’s Holy Door will be opened by Bishop Muench. I look forward to seeing you here for that special liturgy.

In last week’s Bulletin I mentioned that all who enter the Cathedral via the Holy Door during the special Year of Mercy have the opportunity to gain special graces. I hope that you make a point to visit many times during the year and so obtain these blessings for yourself and your loved ones, and even for those who have gone before us in faith.

In last week’s homily I hinted at another “project” which we are being encouraged to undertake during Lent in the special Year of Mercy. Our diocesan Office of Christian Formation is encouraging everyone to join together in a diocesan-wide reading program they’re calling One Book, One Church.

During Lent 2016 we’ll all try together to read Father Henri Nouwen’s well-known book, The Return of the Prodigal Son. Every parish is being asked to urge their parishioners to read this book, whether in small groups, in large groups, or individually. By doing it together, Catholics throughout the diocese will be able to share their insights with others.
In addition to the book itself, a Study Guide has been put together to guide the reflection and discussions, especially when this takes place in small study groups, prayer groups, Adult Ed classes, over coffee with a friend, or over dinner with family. It’s an exciting undertaking, for it’s the first time ever in the history of our diocese that we ventured to undertake a shared reading project of this scope.

Efforts are being made at the diocesan level to order copies of the book in bulk for as little as $7.00 each. It is also available, at more typical prices, from local retailers and perhaps most conveniently online from or

The goal of the program is merely to encourage people to read this book and then to let it guide our thoughts and prayer. Father Nouwen was an immensely gifted and eloquent spiritual writer, and he frequently pointed to his experiences of forgiveness and mercy as being central to his life of prayer. This book of his uses the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32) as the basis of his reflections as he thought to be both competent and inspired. I’ve read it: it truly is a touching, magnificent reflection, and well within the grasp of the average reader.

Again, you and your fellow parishioners are encouraged to purchase this book, and then take the time to read it, either on your own or as part of the large and small discussion groups which will be organized during Lent this coming spring. Easter is early in 2016, so the months of February and March will be the “prime time” for this project of ours.

So, do you want the Parish Office to purchase a copy of this paperback book for you? Again, we may be able to get it for as little as seven dollars apiece. Please just send an email to or call (225) 387-5928 during business hours and we’ll get one for you. I know you will be glad you took part in this effort.

Finally, be sure to mark your calendar for next weekend’s special 12 noon Mass and reception following on Sunday, December 13. It was 150 years ago that the pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Father Cyril Delacroix, founded the local Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We shall celebrate this with special prayers of thanksgiving, and in solidarity with the thousands – actually by now it’s more like millions! – of needy persons helped through their service by the generosity of the Catholic faithful and other citizens of the metropolitan Baton Rouge area. I hope you can be part of the party!

Yours in the Lord,

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