Stewardship of Ministry

Stewardship of Service: A Way of Life

Share your gifts through Ministry!

In the Sacrament of Baptism we pledge to be active disciples of Christ. Catholics who give of their time and talents to God and to His Church in some sort of ministry are precisely the kind of Christians the Lord seeks.

St. Joseph Cathedral Parish has many ministries that are always in need of energetic parishioners willing to serve. These various areas of volunteer ministry in our Parish are explained below. Every parishioner and friend of the Cathedral ought to be active in service in some way, whether publicly or privately, often or occasional. To volunteer to serve in one or more of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office for more information.

Social Responsibility

Sign Up Christian Outreach Center

An ecumenical effort of downtown churches, located at 1427 Main Street, aiding the needy by providing a variety of services. Volunteers serve on the Center's Advisory Board in determining policies and assisting the COC staff in other ways.

Sign Up Food Pantry

Distributes food to needy within our Parish boundaries twice a month, from 11 am to 12:30 pm on Tuesday. Volunteers assist in sorting, boxing and distributing food from the Food Bank, interviewing persons, etc.

Community Life

Sign Up Coffee and Doughnuts Crew

Coffee and doughnuts are offered to everyone following the 8 and 10 am Sunday Masses, building a sense of community and Christian fellowship.

Sign Up Knights of Columbus

This fraternal order of men, organized as the St. Joseph Cathedral Council No. 13632, witnesses an active Catholic life, especially in service projects to the Parish and wider community.

Sign Up Ladies of the Cathedral

Organize various events throughout the year focusing on service events and women’s issues, including baby showers, etc.

Sign Up Newcomers Welcome Committee

Warmly welcomes those new to the Parish by providing personal contact and information. Two “newcomers receptions” are scheduled each year as well.

Sign Up Nursery

During the 10 am Sunday Mass, parents may leave their children aged 6 months to 6 years with trained volunteers who provide care and supervised recreation.

Sign Up Parish Hall Event Coordinator

Serves as on-site Cathedral representative at catered and other events hosted in the Parish Hall.

Sign Up Tour Docents

Individuals and groups visit our historic Cathedral often. Docents share the history and significance of our Parish and its worship space with visitors as requested


Sign Up Parish School of Religion

Volunteers assist parents in providing religious education and sacramental preparation for their kindergarteners through 11th graders not attending Catholic schools, group sessions for parents and children are held periodically.

Sign Up Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Accompany and lead inquirers into a more full understanding of the Catholic religion, including mentoring, as well as catechetical and logistical support at the individual RCIA sessions.

Administration / Site Support

Sign Up Cathedral Garden Club

Regular monthly work sessions in the gardens around the Cathedral help beautify our grounds while adding to the downtown landscape.

Sign Up Development Committee

Sponsors and coordinates special programs which identify and promote the Cathedral by its Four Corners Celebrations, GRAND Day, "Evening at the Cathedral," guest choirs, etc.

Sign Up Office Volunteers

Assist with mailings, occasional telephone/receptionist work, project setup, and many other things needed around the Parish Office from time to time.

Sign Up The Carpenter (Bulletin)

Publish a weekly Parish Bulletin, in both print and online versions, to keep parishioners and others informed of the Christian life and ministries of the Cathedral Parish.


Sign Up Altar Linens Team

Clean, fold and iron the altar cloths, napkins, towels, and other linens used in church.

Sign Up Altar Servers

These ministers – adults or children fifth grade or older, of either sex – assist the clergy at Mass and other worship moments.

Sign Up Church Interior Cleaning Team

Responsible for the cleaning of the sanctuary and sacristy areas, including basic care of the vessels, vestments and other items used at Mass.

Sign Up Decor Team

Design and execute seasonal and special décor in the Cathedral, providing an environment which enhances both its beauty and the community’s worship.

Sign Up Ministers of Holy Communion

These laypersons, after approval by the pastor, assist the clergy – who are the ordinary ministers of holy communion – in distributing it at Mass

Sign Up Music / Choir

Enhance prayer and worship in the Cathedral, sharing vocal and instrumental gifts. The commitment to excellence of the Cathedral choir is a special priority.

Sign Up Readers

These laypersons, after approval by the pastor, assist In proclaiming the Bible readings, and leading other prayers, at Mass.

Sign Up Ushers

These men and women assist in seating churchgoers, keeping good order, taking up the collection(s) at Mass, and offering other help as needed during services.