Pastor's Message Archives

Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin

Looking Ahead to a Building Inspection

Published: January 31, 2016

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

I hope in the midst of this carnival season you’re already giving some thought to how you will make the best of your Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10. While God’s ability to bless us is unlimited, our human ability to recognize, accept and use His grace is not. The more we are sensitive to God’s will and workings, and the more effort we put into seeking divine guidance and strength, the more our generous Lord will enrich us with blessings!

One blessing we have here in St. Joseph Parish is our venerable Cathedral building. While Associated Waterproofing, Inc., is busy patching up, waterproofing and painting its exterior, another project inside is about to start.

As plans stand now, on Monday, February 15, Fox-Nesbit Engineers and Post Architects will collaborate in making a structural assessment of the ceiling and its structural elements. It’s been 50 years since the walls, trusses and ceiling decking have been inspected in this way, and we want to make sure that everything “up high” is in good shape. We don’t anticipate discovering any significant architectural or safety issues, but it’s prudent to look. Late last year we did a structural inspection and analysis of the basement and flooring, and noted a few issues which we were able to attend to immediately; this is the last step in this inspection project.

During this inspection, a lot of scaffolding will be put up inside the Cathedral. We are certainly going to have to conduct weekend and daily Masses in the Parish Hall for two weeks or so! Thank goodness that now we have a space that, while not as appropriate or glorious for worship as the Cathedral itself, we can use for this purpose temporarily. Thank you for your understanding and good humor during this time – think of it as one more Lenten penance! – and for your generosity which makes all this progress possible!

Yours in the Lord Jesus,

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