Pastor's Message Archives

Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin

Response to the Flood

Published: August 28, 2016

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

There will be a special second collection here at the Cathedral and throughout the Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge this weekend (August 27/28) to aid in Flood Response. Monetary donations are critically needed to permit the Church to address the immediate and varying needs of affected parishes, schools and individual flood victims.

Please make checks payable to St. Joseph Cathedral as usual, referencing “Flood Assistance” in the memo section. While damage to Cathedral Square was nonexistent, and only a few of our parishioners were directly affected, needs throughout the diocese are substantial. Proceeds will enable our charity fund to address local needs, and the remainder will be forwarded for deposit into the diocesan Disaster Assistance Fund.

Thank you for your generosity and caring!

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