Pastor's Message Archives

Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin

Come out to Grand Day!

Published: September 25, 2016

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

This is one last reminder that this Sunday (September 25) is GRAND Day! The 12 noon Mass is a special one, for grandparents and grandchildren! If you have grandparents or grandchildren, please bring them! And if you’re a parent, bring both your parents and children along with you to church! Both the special Mass and the family festival afterwards will be a special time for everybody!

Whether it’s hamburgers or hotdogs, ice cream or drinks, music, face-painting, balloons, a pony ride and petting zoo, “Bubbles the Camel,” and other activities for the children, there will be lots of smiles for everyone. This year we’re also going to have a little train for the youngsters to ride! I very much appreciate all of the hard work done by our Development Committee, chaired by Bobbie Carey, in planning all the details.

Doesn’t all of this sound GRAND? I look forward to seeing you here!

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