Pastor's Message Archives

Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin

Protecting the Young and a Coming Feast

Published: September 23, 2018

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

            There really are just two subjects I want to mention in this week’s column. One is serious, with a tinge of sadness, while the other is ‘way more positive.

Let’s mention the important, serious one first. Take a look at the cover of this week’s issue of The Carpenter. This beau­tiful, famous painting of Jesus with a Little Child (found in St. Nicholas Church in Holbæk, Denmark) is featured because of this weekend’s Gospel. As Mark 9:36-37 recounts, Christ Himself blessed a child, commending his care and wellbeing to the Church.

Yet doesn’t it seem a bit jarring now in the face of the ongoing “bad news” that over the course of history so many young people have not been cared-for by the Church and clergy, but rather victimized? Yes, it does. And Jesus’ own words and actions make it clear that those who assault and harm children, and those who cover up and enable such abuse, are acting entirely contrary to His will and example. As I men­tioned in last weekend’s homily, from an institutional standpoint the worldwide Church has some serious work to do to ensure even better protections for young people and other vulnerable persons. And efforts to hear and assist those who have been harmed need to be improved. Prayer is not enough, and there quite apparently are no “simple solutions.”

Yet some things are already clear. Since mere assurances that things are better also aren’t enough, truly independent and transparent ver­i­fication of changes for the better are essential – by laity much more so than by clergy, surely. Training and procedures, in seminaries and in the offices of those who select bishops, as well as in Parishes and schools, all need review and renewal to ensure progress in this regard. We will never eliminate personal sinfulness from humanity, but we can and must work against it corrupting our institutions.

So please continue to pray and hold fast to the faith – which is guaranteed by the Lord, and never oriented primarily to frail and fallible human beings. But also be aware of and do whatever can be done to ensure a safe environment for children and young people.

Now, on to more positive things: next weekend is a special feast, observed this year only in St. Joseph Cathedral! September 30 is the Solemnity of the Dedication of the Cathedral, and will be celebrated with special Scriptural readings and music at all of Masses. What is more, Bishop Michael Duca will be with us at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass, for the bishop of a diocese has a special relationship with the Cathedral building since it is the place where his official seat or chair – known as a “cathedra” – is located. From there he presides over and teaches the entire local Church entrusted to his pastoral care.

Everyone is specially invited to come next Sunday to celebrate with Bishop Duca and the entire Parish community! We’ll have a bit more than coffee available after Mass, too, if you’d like to visit briefly with our new shepherd! Because Bishop Duca is “new in town,” he is espe­cially busy going out to all of the Parishes of the diocese and meeting his flock. He won’t be here at the Cathedral every weekend or even every month, so we’ll have to enjoy his presence and preaching when the occasion arises. We’ll always have the welcome mat out for him!

                                                Sincerely yours in Christ,


                                                Fr. Paul D. Counce


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