Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin
Published: November 18, 2018
What kinds of things are you thinking about and planning for right now? I suspect we’re all anticipating Thanksgiving later on in this holiday week, and likely many are already making plans for Christmas. This being Louisiana, most of us are also concerned – pretty much all the time! – about football and food!
Last week, also, I spent some time looking over the Parish calendar for the rest of 2018 but more importantly on into 2019. On the practical side of things, the project of double-checking the calendar – which happens “in depth” just about every four to six months – also has the great advantage of assisting with the prioritization of Parish activities. I want to make sure we accomplish the essentials and then leave ourselves the freedom to move where the Spirit wills.
For example, since “the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed and simultaneously is the font from which all her power flows” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, no. 10), the rhythm of Sunday and daily Mass, and confessions, have to be properly scheduled and planned. Here at the Cathedral we take special pride in our worship services, and try to model good liturgy for the rest of the diocese. Without doubt we expend more of our resources, percentage-wise, toward providing quality liturgical music and a proper worship environment than most parishes.
Yet there are many other things that go on around here. I marvel that such a small Parish as ours still hosts so many events. You may not be aware of this unless you are someone with a special need or role – not everyone is a Knight of Columbus, a bride, or parent, a religious ed student, RCIA enquirer, or choir member, etc. Many individuals and groups use our facilities or are the special focus of our ministries. Making sure we have clean “free space” for meetings and meals, rehearsals and receptions sometimes takes quite a bit of juggling.
We also have to avoid scheduling conflicts with “off campus” activities. Lots of things in Baton Rouge are scheduled around sports schedules. Here on Cathedral Square we also have to be on the watch for downtown parades, benefit runs and other civic activities – some of them noisy! – that can make parking impossible. We love being able to be a good neighbor and host to the weekly Farmers’ Market and monthly Arts Market, but doing this takes close collaboration with their organizers. We work closely with the Downtown Development District in all of this.
Some things that happen here are not overly publicized. During the week we host various 12-step meetings, such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon, and others, entirely organized and led by the participants. Other small groups meet here, for Bible studies and prayer. Do you have an idea for an activity? Remember, parishioner or not, here on Cathedral Square we want to be of assistance to YOU!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Paul D. Counce