Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin
Published: May 17, 2020
Well, another week’s gone by! Over the last two months, many of you have bumped into me (or emailed me, which is safer, after all!) and said, “Father, we really miss Mass and coming to church.” Well, let me tell you that I miss all of that, too. I can’t wait to see you and pray with you again! And it can be this weekend! We’re beginning public celebrations of Mass again – weekends and weekdays – since Governor Edwards has relaxed his “stay at home” orders! Please read Bishop Duca’s letter of May 11 on pages 3 and 4 of this week’s issue of The Carpenter first, and then note below some of the things we have to remember as we celebrate Masses with a congregation for the first time in a few months.
It will be different, though. It won’t be easy:
1. Only 25% of a building’s total occupancy will be allowed at each Mass. Here at the Cathedral, that means a maximum of 163 people, counting me! So let’s say 160! If more than that wish to come in, they will be politely asked to return home.
2. All persons attending Mass will have to sit and walk six feet apart from other parties and wear a mask the whole time. We won’t be able to supply masks or hand sanitizer for everyone, so please bring these with you.
3. Here’s the hard decision that YOU have to make: should you come at all? The bishop’s dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is continuing indefinitely: no one must attend Mass in person. And in fact, those most vulnerable (the elderly and those with chronic conditions that weaken the immune system) ought to continue to stay home and pray while viewing a televised Mass. True, a daily Mass might be an option for some, but frankly it is somewhat dangerous to mingle with other people for quite some time to come. I know many people want to receive holy communion, but that’s not the main purpose of Mass. All in all, I expect a smaller congregation at each Mass, and since it’s safer that’s a good thing.
And note number 6 below!
4. Liturgical modifications will continue and be expanded: no processions, no holy water or incense, no hymnals, no touches when greeting, wishing peace, or saying goodbye, no shared chalices, no nursery, no coffee-and-donuts, and so forth. Only the clergy will distribute communion, and when you come forward “at a safe distance,” please receive in the hand. You’ll take off your mask only to put the Sacred Host into your mouth. (That’s my request: since I am one of the vulnerable, I don’t want my hands anywhere near your breath or saliva!) You’ll notice me sanitizing my hands frequently as well.
5. Instead of taking up a collection we will put baskets out for your donations. Even better, remember your financial Stewardship by mailing your contributions to 412 North St., B.R., LA 70802-5496, or go to your bank’s website and make us one of the “bills” you pay each month!
6. And the hardest thing that we must ensure is post-Mass disinfecting wherever people have been. For this reason our bathrooms will not be available. Read that again: no bathrooms! It will be difficult enough for volunteers to wipe down all of the Cathedral’s pews, and all door handles in the church and in the Hall lobby, between Masses. We can’t promise more.
Beginning Monday, May 18, the Parish Office will open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday only, from 8:30 am to 12 noon. Please bring your mask and your own small bottle of hand sanitizer with you to the Office just as you must also do for church. I’m already available by appointment for confessions, blessing of objects, anointing of the sick, etc.; now the staff will be able to help you with Mass intentions, volunteer opportunities, and conditional scheduling of special events.
On a final note, as most things in society still will not return to the way things were before until mid- to late- summer (if then), no decision has yet been made on re-scheduling things like First Communion, Confirmation, and Ordinations of one new priest and seven new deacons. Things like committee meetings, pre-baptismal seminars, The Cathedral Evening, “Women in Spirit” and KC meetings, and so forth, are still all “on hold.” All of it will happen, we just don’t know when yet!!
Still rejoicing in Christ’s Resurrection from the dead,
Fr. Paul Counce