Looking back at the weekly messages of Father Paul Counce, first published in The Carpenter, our weekly Parish Bulletin
Published: June 21, 2020
I am heartened by the slowly-increasing numbers of parishioners and friends returning to Mass here at the Cathedral. The faith that is evident in your presence is an inspiration. The caution that is evident in your masks and muffled good wishes is also an inspiration, for it reflects the reverence not only for your own life but also for the good health of everyone else in the community. Thank you!
I know that hearing God’s holy Word in Scripture and receiving Christ in His Most Holy Eucharist is important, although we are dispensed from any obligation to attend Mass in person. It’s fortunate that by means of the communications media we can hear the Bible proclaimed and preached. And we can make a “spiritual communion” so that Jesus Himself comes to us wherever we are. At the same time, make sure that you continue to “keep holy the Lord’s Day” by extra prayer, more kindness, wholesome recreation, and less needless work.
A number of people have told me that they appreciated the “Frequently Asked Questions” page in last week’s issue of The Carpenter. If you didn’t see it, remember you can always go back to our website, and read past issues of the bulletin (http://cathedralbr.org/bulletins.php).
But some have asked more questions! So here are the answers to those most often asked this week:
Q: Are the bathrooms in the Hall open again? A: Yes! They were not available until we could make sure of their proper cleaning. But now that we have “re-opened” the Cathedral we have been able to verify that we can provide a safe environment not only in the church but also in the Hall restrooms. Please use the paper products and soap provided to keep both you and the facilities clean!
Q: Is the Cathedral open for private prayer every day? A: Mostly yes. When at least one of our maintenance staff is present on Cathedral Square to provide oversight and security we’re happy to permit visits to the Cathedral! This means most weekdays from 7:30 am to 3 or 4 pm. On weekends the Cathedral is open when services are being held.
Q: When will the Parish’s Food Pantry open? A: That’s still a good question. We’re hoping we can resume our usual schedule next month, on the first and third Tuesdays (July 7 and 21). It will be necessary to maintain proper “social distancing” and require masks for workers and clients alike, but we will try our best to assist the resident poor in our midst, for they have been hardest hit by the coronavirus situation.
Q: Will we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this year? A: Yes, we can. Adults aged 18 and over (plus our teenagers aged 16 and 17) who have not yet been confirmed are invited to do so. Just contact our pastoral associate, Mr. Chris Redden, at chris@cathedralbr.org, and we can set up any needed preparation sessions and then schedule a liturgy during which we can administer the Sacrament. For that matter, email Chris if you or someone you know is not Catholic and wishes to explore joining the Church! We’ll schedule things around you!
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Paul D. Counce