Parish News

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Carnival-themed Parish Pot Luck Supper!

Date Published: 2020-01-29

We're holding another Parish Pot Luck Supper on Wednesday, January 29, beginning at 6 pm! Please plan on participating … it’s an easy and casual evening. Simply bring your favorite dish – appetizer, vegetable or other side, salad, bread, or dessert to the Parish Hall. Bring family or friends and enjoy conversation, good food, wine and music. We hold these informal suppers every few months. If you haven’t attended previously, you’re missing out! We have some gourmet cooks in our midst.

Father Paul again is providing the main course. You bring ONE DISH: appetizers, salad, vegetable, bread or dessert. (If you bring hot dish please bring something to keep it warm.) And if you don’t cook and can't get something from the grocery deli, don’t worry – make a $15 contribution instead! The idea is to see your friends, enjoy good food and start 2020 off right!

We're also planning to have some activities for children, so it will definitely be a family affair.



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