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Safe Haven Sunday

Date Published: 2020-03-08

Pornography has become more prevalent than ever. Oversexualization in entertainment has become the new norm, and devices such as smartphones and tablet computers have given us too-easy, constant availability of and accessibility to harmful materials.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recently issued a formal statement entitled “Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography.” In the publication, the bishops not only reminded us all of the sinfulness of accessing and using pornography, they also rightly noted, “The use of pornography by anyone in the home deprives the home of its role as a safe haven and has negative effects throughout a family’s life and across generations.” Sin is not the only consequence: marriages fall apart, spouses lost trust and perspective regarding their own love for each other, and young people have their understanding of sexuality warped. Children are especially at risk!

On the Second Sunday of Lent this year, March 7/8, all of the Parishes of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, including St. Joseph Cathedral of course, will begin implementing an anti-pornography campaign entitled “Safe Haven Sunday.” This will help to raise awareness of the dangers of pornography and provide families with tangible resources for making homes a “safe haven,” especially for the young.

For more information, you are urged to view the diocesan video, which give more information about this effort:

Related Information & Resources:


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