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Fr. Young Smiles as he enters the Cathedral in Baton Rouge

Fr. Young Smiles as he enters the Cathedral in Baton Rouge


Funeral Arrangements for Fr. Jerry Young

Date Published: 2025-01-08

Beloved Former Pastor of St. Joseph Cathedral, Fr. Gerard F. Young passed away Saturday evening, January 4, 2025.  In addition to his many positions and accomplishments across the Diocese, his years at the Cathedral were marked by grand accomplishment and parish growth, including, establishment of the Cathedral Parish Development Group, designed to promote events and programs to increase active engagement among parishioners and friends and make the Cathedral Parish a true place of welcome for all in the wider community.

He encouraged the formation of the Cathedral Council of the Knights of Columbus, the second such council to be chartered at St. Joseph's, to create a means for the men of the parish to enjoy fraternal fellowship and prayer, and undertake acts of charity, patriotism, and Christian service to the parish and community, as well as being instrumental in the formation of the Ladies of the Cathedral, inspiring the women of the parish community to partake in fellowship, charitable support, and community service.

He was devoted to the rich beauty of Catholic worship and the Sacraments of the Church, designated a skilled and knowledgeable layman to serve as the parish's liturgical master of ceremonies and ministry scheduler, to work with all liturgical ministers, prelates, and clergy who presided at liturgies in this cathedral to ensure a high standard of worship in accord with the designation of the cathedral as "mother church" of the Diocese, and instituted a new practice of reaching out to the sick of the community through the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick accompanying the Veneration of the Holy Relics of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos. 

In all that he did and accomplished, Fr. Young, with his immense talent and resourcefulness, created an environment that inspired people, energized the parish (just as he did at the other church parishes where he served as pastor), and enabled everyone here to feel a true sense of "belonging" and prayerfully discerning how to contribute in service of community and building up the Body of Christ.


Funeral Arrangements

St. Joseph Cathedral
Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 10:30 am
Visitation begins at 8 am

Interment will be at Roselawn Memorial Cemetery

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