Parish News

Look here to find out what's coming up - and been happening - at the Cathedral!

News and Announcements

Thanks for visiting, we're glad you're here and interested in us! Please click on a headline below to read more about coming and past events here at your Cathedral!


Parish School of Religion Cancelled!

03.12.2020:   The meeting of parents and children with each other and with Mrs. Olga Johnson, our PSR Coordinator, which had been scheduled for March 22, has been cancelled!

Safe Haven Sunday

03.08.2020:   We need to rid homes of the scourge of pornography, so that they may be "Safe Havens," especially for the young!

Feast of St. Joseph and Altar

03.01.2020:   Our Patronal Feast: the Solemnity of St. Joseph

Rite of Election

03.01.2020:   Hundreds from throughout our area seek to become Catholic each year. Here on March 1, Bishop Duca will formally choose ("elect") them to receive the Sacraments of Initiation at Easter!

Ladies of the Cathedral

03.01.2020:   Our Ladies contribute so much to our life of faith!

Lent Begins On Ash Wednesday

02.26.2020:   The great penitential Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Please come worship at Mass, be marked as a penitent, and resolve to make up for your sins!

Missionary to Preach

02.01.2020:   Please be generous in helping the missions!

Carnival-themed Parish Pot Luck Supper!

01.29.2020:   "Feed Me Something, Mister!"

Baby Shower!

01.25.2020:   Please help the littlest and most vulnerable among us!

Louisiana Life March South

01.24.2020:   The Louisiana Life March South processes right next to St. Joseph Cathedral!

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